Lola's Bark Dogolate

Lola's Bark Dogolate


At Oodaalolly Chocolate, where we've perfected the art of bean to bar, we believe every member of the family should indulge in the sweet joys of life – including our four-legged ones.

Now, your best four-legged friend can relish in the rich, chocolaty goodness of Lola's Bark Dogolate. You can now share the Oodaalolly experience with all your loved ones – both two-legged and four – because when it comes to happiness, everyone deserves a taste.

We AREN’T Kidding. This is a REAL product.

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The Quest for the Pawfect Dogolate

It all started innocently enough. There I was, savoring a velvety dark chocolate, when Lola fixed me with those soulful brown eyes and cocked her head in that way that says, "You're really going to eat that entire thing without sharing?" I'm accustomed to her attempts at mind control. Lola's very skilled at channeling "I'm starving" vibes with just a slight tilt of her furry brow. But this time, her gaze contained more than just her customary food obsession. It was longing...yearning...chocoholic desperation.



The carob tree is part of the pea family and is related to foods like peanuts, soybeans, and lentils. Carob trees are drought- and heat-resistant and can live for over 100 years.Carob does not contain caffeine or theobromine like cocoa, making it safe for dogs and people with allergies.


That's when it hit me – my beloved pup was a chocolate fiend trapped in a dog's body. Obviously, I couldn't indulge her cravings with real chocolate. I'm no monster. But...what if I concocted a doggy-safe version? One she could enjoy without risking a trip to the pet ER? And so began my journey. The first test batch looked promising – carob melted and crushed oats sweetened with a hint of honey. I plopped the mixture into bone-shaped molds and presented my masterpiece to Lola with a flourish.

She sniffed it daintily, then bapped it across the kitchen with her paw, shooting me a glare that clearly said, "Did you mishear me? I said CHOCOLATE." Fair critique, Lola.


The next attempt fared worse. Less carob, some almond butter for my head, it was going to be the doggy version of a vegan truffle. In reality, it resembled an unidentifiable clump exhumed from the backyard. Lola wouldn't even give it a courtesy sniff. Just a slow blink of disdain before stalking off, her curled tail emitting judgy vibes. I persisted, tinkering with recipes, subjecting my four-legged QA specialist to batch after batch of attempted dogolates. Coconutty, nutty, name it, she gave it a disdainful paw whap.

Finally, I consulted Lola's slightly stained Flavor Bible and stumbled upon the magic combo. One sniff and her tail went into maximum propeller mode. I knew I'd nailed it. As she delicately gulped down her first bark of Dogolate, Lola gazed up at me with pure adoration. A single tear of joy trickled down her sweet, smooshy face.

In that moment, I knew my relentless pursuit had been worth it. Thanks to Lola's perseverance and unwavering commitment to confectionary excellence, dogs everywhere could now experience the bliss of chocoholic indulgence, albeit in a canine-approved way.

My work here is done. Lola's Bark Dogolate had been a raging least until she clamors for a refreshing Puppacino to go with it.