oodaalolly On The Road in Davao, Philipppines


Davao City, Philippines

Very soon, I will be traveling to the Philippines. Unfortunately, the journey is mostly for business purposes but I am hoping this trip will lead to some unexpected opportunities. I'll be talking with local farmers and workers that tend to the cacao used for all of oodaalolly’s chocolate products. The importance of cacao cannot be overstated. It’s the main ingredient in our chocolate and for that reason alone it warrants close inspection. 

Kakao Konek 2019

Plus, the Philippines is a gorgeous country so who wouldn’t want to go on that trip? I will be visiting the Davao region on the southern Philippine island of Mindanao. I've also been invited to be a keynote speaker at the Filipinas Tablea & Chocolate Expo hosted by Kakao Konek. It’s the biggest cacao and chocolate event in the Philippines and being asked to speak is an honor. I'm looking forward to attending and sharing our chocolate with all the local chocolate makers and cacao farmers. I will also be one of the judges for the chocolate bar tasting competition.

Impact of Climate Change

On a personal note, you’ve probably remarked on the local effects of climate change on your weather. Maybe your backyard garden got flooded this year or was baked by drought, or maybe you had a bumper crop. Crops are affected by weather and weather by climate. Cacao is a tropical weather crop that’s highly affected by those changes. The weather in Southeast Asia - like everywhere - has been fluctuating

Intent of Trip

I need to be on the ground and talk to the people that are growing cacao. I need to ask questions; How is this years’ crop compared to last? How do you think it will impact the flavor characteristics? Or more simply, will this be a good year or a bad year? What are some of your biggest concerns? And finally what will the future bring for Philippine cacao?

Reputation of Philippine Cacao is Growing

I like to say that The Philippines, my birthplace, is the Napa Valley of cacao. I don’t mean that it’s great for growing grapes because it’s terrible. But it is perfect for cacao. With wine, certain vintages are ‘from a good year’ and some, from a ‘bad year.’ Cacao, and the chocolate it is transformed into, even more so. We use minimal processing to make our chocolate. As such each batch is highly dependent on that years’ cacao. 

Consistency is Important in Chocolate

Chocolate makers can work with the ingredients to get a bar of great-tasting chocolate, but it might taste slightly different than it did the year before. We strive to turn even “bad year” cacao into amazing chocolate. But that variation in flavor and how we can turn it into lovely tasting chocolate is what I enjoy doing and what we are after more than factory farm consistency. 

There’s nothing wrong with Hershey’s. You know what you are going to get. With a true bean to bar small-batch method I prefer, you will always get something splendid even if it tastes slightly different than what you’re accustomed to.

The story makes the taste. The climate, the soil, and the amazing culture of the Philippines contribute to the distinct and delightful flavor of the nation’s cacao. That story is imparted in our chocolate.

That’s why I'm going on the road. To listen to that story, bring it home, and tell it to you, our customers, through chocolate.  

Stay tuned for more . . .