2024 - Maker's Monthly Limited Edition Chocolate Bars

2024 - Maker's Monthly Limited Edition Chocolate Bars


Maker’s Monthly chocolates are small batches of experimental or extra seasonal flavors. It's an opportunity to create something adventurous chocolate lovers are intrigued to try.

May: Dark Chocolate Adobo

While enjoying a serving of chicken adobo, a dish I've savored time and again, I unexpectedly bit into a peppercorn. Usually, this is just a part of the experience, but this time, it sparked an unusual idea in my mind, one I was initially hesitant to explore. 

The bold, spicy kick of the peppercorn mingled with the herbal depth of the bay leaves in the adobo inspired me to experiment. I made a slightly more creamy 70% dark chocolate infused with bay leaves and crushed peppercorns. 

Its aromatic properties were intriguing, to say the least, and the surprising interaction of the luxuriant chocolate with the aromatic bay leaves and the sharp bite of peppercorn led to a uniquely delightful chocolate experience. 

It was a venture into the unknown that paid off and for the first time in a while I was truly and pleasantly surprised with the result.

Ingredients: Organic Philippine Cacao, Beet Sugar, Organic Cocoa Butter, Bay Leaves, Black Peppercorns.

Weight: 60g

Ships on the 15th of the Month

WARM WEATHER ADVISORY — During the Summer or if you live someplace that gets hot, we HIGHLY RECOMMEND you purchase 1 or 2 COLD PACKS.

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Picture this: a clandestine kitchen where chocolate isn’t just made, it’s birthed in hushed tones, each batch a covert operation limited to 300 bars or less. This is the realm of Makers' Cache Monthly Bars, where 'small batch' isn’t just a trendy label—it’s a sacred mantra. Here, chocolate is a wild creature, and the makers are its tamer, coaxing out flavors so adventurous, they’d make Marco Polo look like a homebody.

Every month, our culinary conjurers unveil their latest creation—experimental, seasonal, whimsical. It's not just chocolate; it’s a fleeting love affair with your taste buds. Will it be a tryst with the tangy whisper of winter citrus or a sultry rendezvous with summer berries? It's the chocolate equivalent of a speakeasy, where each bar is a password to an exclusive palate party.

Makers' Cache is for those who treat their chocolate like their calendar—eagerly anticipating what's coming next. It’s for the adventurous souls who understand that life is too short for the same old milk chocolate routine. If you're lucky enough to unwrap one of these limited gems, savor it, share it, or hide it away and deny its existence; it’s your delicious secret to keep.


January: Yerba Buena Whisper


Ah, Oodaalolly's Yerba Buena Whisper—sounds like a secret society for chocolate snobs, doesn't it? But no, it's just a chocolate bar, but what a bar it is and what a way to start the year.

With 70% dark chocolate, it’s like the night sky if the night sky were edible and tasted like mint. It's the kind of chocolate that promises to soothe the soul and awaken the senses, much like a good book or a tax refund. The mint is not just a flavor, but a nudge to the mind, poking it into what I suppose is 'sharp and keen suspense.' Suspense for what? For the next bite, obviously.

Each bar is a hand-poured marvel with intricate designs that we like to think of as art, though don't let that stop you from biting right in like some kind of chocolate desperado. As you savor it, you might find the chocolate melting on your tongue, the mint twirling around like a ballroom dancer, and wonder—how did they make this taste so good, give me more?!

Well, it’s a treat to treasure, but also a ticket to that moment of bliss we all pretend to have once achieved in yoga class but never actually did. Only this time, it's real, and it’s not trying to sell you on more yoga classes — just your next bar of chocolate.

Ingredients: Organic Philippine Cacao, Organic Raw Cane Sugar, Organic Spearmint, Spearmint Oil.

February: Banana Ube Smoothie

Details: Use Your Best Rod Serling Impression While Reading

Picture this: a laboratory, not unlike those you might find in the annals of a science fiction anthology, bathed in the sterile glow of fluorescent lights. Here, amidst the ceaseless hum of machinery and the delicate dance of bubbles in test tubes, a curious experiment is underway at Oodaalolly.

A yellow banana, imbued with a penchant for mischief — after all, the world of comedy has yet to find humor in the slipping on a tuber — is brought face to face with an ube, its skin a rich tapestry of purple, its flavor as deep and complex as the most labyrinthine novel penned by Sjón.

Enter the Banana Ube Smoothie chocolate bar, a confection that transcends the boundaries of culinary science, a testament to the improbable, the extraordinary. This is not merely a chocolate bar; it is the progeny of a union so unlikely, it could only exist in the twilight world of Oodaalolly. Crafted with a meticulous selection of ingredients that could only be described as a roll call of organic opulence — organic cocoa butter, beet sugar, coconut milk powder, and the crowning jewels, banana and ube powders — this chocolate bar is the embodiment of an epicurean experiment gone right.

But what is it, this Banana Ube Smoothie chocolate bar? It is the result of a tropical Tinder match so unlikely; a blend of flavors so audacious, it challenges the very fabric of conventional confectionery. Each bite is a journey into the unknown, a venture into a realm where the sweet, comforting embrace of banana collides with the mysterious depths of ube, producing a lineage as regal as it is eccentric.

In this narrative, we find ourselves standing on the precipice of culinary innovation, where the boundaries between the familiar and the foreign blur. The Banana Ube Smoothie chocolate bar is more than a mere treat; it is a beacon in the uncharted waters of flavor, a symbol of what can be achieved when we dare to cross the thresholds of imagination.

So, as you unwrap this bar and let its flavors unfold on your tongue, remember: you are not just tasting a chocolate bar. You are partaking in a legacy of innovation, a chapter in a story that could only be told in the shadowy corridors of Oodaalolly’s Chocolate Zone.

Ingredients: Organic Cocoa Butter, Beet Sugar (100% Vegan), Organic Coconut Milk Powder, Ube Powder, and Banana Powder.


In the embrace of the Philippine twilight, Coconut Takipsilim unfolds like a story whispered by the wind through the palm leaves. Here, beneath a canopy of stars, dark cocoa and coconut sugar blend in a chocolate that speaks of the soil and the soul of the islands.

Each bite of smooth, deep cocoa gives way to the subtle, sweet caress of earthy coconut sugar, like the last light of day slipping into the velvet night.

It's a moment, a place, a quiet revelry in the dusky magic where the earth meets the sky. This chocolate is our love letter to that moment of takipsilim — the time of day just after the sun sets but before the sky completely darkens.

Ingredients: Organic Philippine Cacao, Organic Coconut Sugar, Organic Cocoa Butter.


Transport your tastebuds to a sunny Pacific island with every bite of our coconut milk mango chocolate bar. We've taken the finest organic Philippine cacao and blended it with lush, creamy organic coconut milk to evoke those laid-back beach vibes.

But don't be fooled by the mellow coconut aroma - this bar packs a punch of tangy-sweet mango that catches you delightfully off-guard. It's like pulling up a beach chair next to an unexpected mango truck parked in the sand.

The velvety cocoa butter lets the flavors melt across your palate with the slow, decadent pace of an island afternoon. As the coconut's floral top notes fade, rays of mango's bright fruitiness linger like the last warm glow of a spectacular tropical sunset.

Crafted with organic cane sugar to achieve the perfect balance of rich chocolatey depths and sunny mango sweetness, this bar is a blissful treat for your senses. One bite, and you're immediately transported to an exotic paradise - no pricey airfare required.

Ingredients: Organic Philippine Cacao, Organic Cane Sugar, Organic Cocoa Butter, Organic Coconut Milk Powder, Mangoes.